Easing Conflict at Work - Mediation Service
Conflict is a natural part of life – in our personal lives and in the workplace setting. Differences between individuals and teams in the workplace are inevitable. But what is the best way to deal with these differences? What is the best way to manage these conflicts? Left unattended, they can cause significant damage to a workplace. The organisations that seek to address these conflicts know that the aim is not to avoid conflict, but to identify the optimum way in which it can be managed.
Well-structured and informed workplace mediation offers a way forward. It is based on providing an opportunity for the parties to “identify issues, develop options, consider alternatives and make decision about future actions and outcomes” (The Australian National Mediator Standards 2007). Realisations Consultancy can offer you a mediation service that is confidential, professional, research-based and outcomes-focused.
What is mediation? Mediation is a confidential, voluntary process that, with the support of a qualified mediator, assists parties in conflict to identify issues, develop options and alternatives, consider and make decisions on the way forward.
What is the role of the mediator? The mediator is there to support the parties to reach their own decisions in an impartial and confidential manner. The mediator assists you to identify and test out your assumptions, to facilitate communications and understanding, and to support the parties in jointly developing strategies with the aim of arriving at mutually-beneficial outcomes. Mediators do not give advice, nor do they determine the solution.
How long does mediation take? The duration of a mediation session really depends on the commitment of the parties and the number and complexity of the issues being addressed. A mediation session may be 2-3 hours, or it many involve a series of meetings. This will be discussed with you prior to undertaking the mediation work.